Stress Analysis Of Column Piping System
             In Last Article we have studied column profile by Average Method. In this article we are going to discuss about second method of column temperatureprofile. Many organizations use this method too. This method helps to reduce nozzle load and stress in piping system during column piping stress analysis.

    Division Method: 

    Following Procedure is used for this method;

    1. Identify and Mark the nozzle size from P&ID which will make considerable impact in column temperature. Generally, big size process nozzle is considered in it. Instrument Nozzle, utility Nozzles, Small Bore Nozzle and Manhole are not considered.
    2. Identify the operating temperate of pipes connected to two beside nozzle.
    3. Divide Column portion in between this two nozzles in two equal parts
    4. Assigned first half column portion with first nozzle temperature and second part with next beside nozzle.
    5. Repeated the same step for other temperature case Egg. DEG Case.
    6. For Skirt temperature is calculation, please follows link : Skirt Temperature/Expansion Calculation

               Let’s assigned temperature profile with this method in same example used in Average method. (Refer Stress Analysis of Column Piping System - 01)
    So, temperature profile for that column can be created as shown in Fig.

    Column Temperature Profile, Division Method

    Operating Case Temperature Profile is as following;

    OPE Case Temperature Profile by Division Method

                      After considering all process line temperature, A master column C-II model is generating which can be used in all different stress system connected to same column.
    For particulate system, no need to attached Nozzle and Pipe Model which are not the part of same system. Hence, final column model for our stress system is show in following picture.

    column model In C-II

    Few organizations use the operating and design temperatures mentioned in equipment GA as the equipment operating and design temperature. However, the above two methods mentioned will result in thermal growth close to reality

    From following picture; we can find the difference in the temperature profile by this two methods.

    Temperature Profile Comparison by two methods

    Links for Reference articles: